Diamond Bishop

the diamond age: or, a techno-optimist's somewhat illustrated web page

About Me

I am a techno-optimist that sometimes thinks too much about Roko’s basilisk. I’ve been working in or studying AI for over a decade. Nowadays I’m working on making AI systems your teammate, and tinkering on various projects.

I angel invest occasionally, advise early stage AI startups, and consult for the right applied AI/ML problems. I love chatting with interesting people, and if you want to talk tech or new ideas, and we align in the space-time continuum hit me up.

I started programming when I was 13 while growing up in the Caribbean and continued my education in the northeast. After spending a little time in defense tech, I ended up on the west coast working for a variety of FAANGs (MAGMAs?) on applied AI projects before starting my own company.

I spend much of my time raising a budding human intelligence who needs a lot of data and training time. I also sail, work on hobby electronics projects, and try to stay active through competitive sports since we still can’t upload our brains.

the globe turns

Latest Thoughts

RPA is dead, long live RPA(gent)!


Agents are everywhere, but nowhere at once, and no one has cracked the code. Many Agents that do work require very little reasoning or thought over multiple turns or time, making them little more than glorified LLM calls. This has to change if we are to build the next generation of intelligent systems...

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